engage summit

AI-powered and student-centered

They’re not just buzz words anymore. Let's dive deeper into the mind of the modern student: what fires them up, how they interact and what they expect in today’s digital age, and how tools like AI help put them in the driver’s seat of their education.

Engage summit

More great reasons to join us

Hear from industry experts
Participate in hands-on workshops
Book time for lab sessions + AI trainings

Making the case for Engage Summit

We know budgets are tight at institutions around the country. That’s why we’re intentional about making our conference takeaways tangible and impactful.If you need approval for a travel budget or a sign-off on taking time away from the office, keep reading for tips to help you convince your boss.


Pros of attending Engage Summit

  • Immerse yourself in the latest AI innovations to think outside the box
  • Discover AI-powered solutions and ideas to tackle your biggest problems
  • Bring a new level of knowledge back to your institution
  • Create lasting relationships with peers + industry leaders
  • Learn to use data to level up everything you’re doing
  • Explore how AI makes manual tasks a thing of the past
  • Dig into how to better approach campaigns and projects

Download our attendance request template and convince your boss.

Orna Shearin
Customer Relationship Manager Specialist at Guilford Technical Community College

"The Engage Summit was invaluable to me — being able to learn about how other schools were currently using Element451 and all the possibilities that Element451 could provide to our current and future students!"

Register for the 2024 Engage Summit

Virtual Registration - FREE!
oin us from the comfort of your home or office. Every session at the 2024 Engage Summit will be live-streamed (and recorded) and registration is free!